Based on feedback from participating campuses after the 2018 Fair Trade Campus Week, the CFTN and Fairtrade Canada are organizing a webinar for Campuses this January 30th at 12pm EST.

If you are interested in baseline or silver designation, this webinar is for you! We have brought together a panel of individuals who understand the designation from all angles. We hope you will join this information-packed session. See below for full details

Date and Time
Wednesday, January 30th at 12:00pm EST

What we’ll cover in this session

  1. Overview of Fair Trade Campus designation requirements
  2. Setting up your committee and getting the ball rolling
  3. Common pain points and how to overcome them
  4. Staying engaged year-round and renewals
  5. Reaching silver status
  6. Q&A and open discussion


  • Lara Fabiano, Student Sustainability Coordinator for Dining Services, McGill University
  • Jana Vodicka, Manager Sustainability, Compass Canada
  • Sarah Heim, National Programs Manager, Canadian Fair Trade Network
  • Pippa Rogers, Director of Marketing and Communications, Fairtrade Canada

Who Should Attend
University/college administrators, staff and students who:

  • Are working on Fair Trade Campus designation
  • Are designated but need a refresher or tips on how to remain engaged throughout the year
  • Are interested in starting the Fair Trade Campus designation process
  • Are interested in getting their campus to the next level by reaching Silver status

The webinar will be in English only, however, we will release a version with French subtitles on YouTube.

Categories: Blog Post