This year, World Fair Trade Day is about people, as at the heart of everything that we do on daily basis, is a person. 

Additionally, this year, Canadian businesses, community groups and individuals are standing behind a common message to celebrate World Fair Trade Day: “The Power of You”, Fairtrade International’s new consumer-focused campaign. The campaign was born out of Fairtrade’s brand essence of “empowerment” – to encourage consumers to use their purchasing power to bring about positive change in the world.

You can expect to see Fairtrade’s emblematic blue and green logo accompanied with the “Power of You” slogan and campaign headlines like “Change The World On Your Coffee Break,” and “You’re As Amazing As The Choices You Make” – from retailer shops and restaurants to campuses and community town halls all across Canada.

In French Canada, the campaign has been adapted to “Ton monde, ton choix” and is already gaining traction.

The Canadian fair trade movement is comprised of a dynamic blend of governments, institutions, community groups and businesses that actively support the livelihoods of disadvantaged farmers and workers by promoting fair trade.  

(a Fair Trade Town since 2010)

Who:    Fair Trade Vancouver

What: Fair Trade Breakfast

When: May 10


To celebrate World Fair Trade Day on May 10, Fair Trade Vancouver will host a Fair Trade Breakfast at Famous Foods in Vancouver.

(a Fair Trade Town since 2010)

Who:    Fair Trade Barrie

What: 4 Year Anniversary Official Celebration

When: May 10


Fair Trade Barrie will be celebrating its fourth year as a Fair Trade City by hosting a flag raising ceremony on May 10. Free Fairtrade certified coffee and bananas will be available.

(a Fair Trade Town since 2013)

Who:    Fair Trade Toronto

What: 1

Year Anniversary Official Celebration

When: May 10


Fair Trade Toronto will be celebrating its first year as a Fair Trade City by hosting an official celebration, flag raising, and degustation. The event will be held on May 10 and will feature special guest speakers and free fair trade coffee!

Who:    Fair Trade Ottawa

What: Fair Trade Soirée Équitable

When: May 10


Fair Trade Ottawa Équitable is celebrating May 10 with a Soirée of food, entertainment, and an opportunity to build connections with groups that are working towards greater global equality.


Who:    NAVTI Foundation of Canada

What: La Quinzaine du Commerce Équitable

When: May 10


Being led by the NAVTI Foundation of Canada, Quebec City will be the hub for Fair Trade Fortnight in Quebec, as they celebrate 10 years hosting the annual event. There are plans in the works for the formal relaunch of their Fair Trade Town campaign, along with retailer-focused presentations and a Fair Trade Market being held May 10-11.

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