Sean is the founder and Executive Director of the Canadian Fair Trade Network (CFTN). Sean’s passion for global sustainability, grew out of international travel (2004-2009) and time spent working in Kenya. Sean moved back to Vancouver in 2009, and got involved with Fair Trade Vancouver, helping the city become Canada’s 11th Fair Trade Designated Town. Sean later became the organizations Executive Director, where his work included working with the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University in their becoming Canada’s 1st and 2nd Fair Trade Designated Campuses. In 2011, Sean founded the Canadian Fair Trade Network, as an effort to build a stronger, more organized social movement in Canada. Sean has overseen the expansion of numerous programs, has led the planning of seven national conferences, and developed and grown the organizations bi-annual publication, Fair Trade Magazine. Sean represents Canada on the International Fair Trade Towns Committee.
Nell Jędrzejczyk – National Programs Coordinator
Nell is studying Resource and Environmental Management for her bachelor of Environment at Simon Fraser University. Nell’s start in fair trade came through coordinating SFU’s student-led Fair Trade Ambassador Program, where she supported the universities continued efforts to educate and empower students and have a positive impact on the world through its purchasing.
Erik Johnson – Editor & Designer
Erik is a self-employed writer, editor, and print designer whose love for fair trade coffee helps fuel his contributions to a variety of print and online publishing projects. His diverse editing experience includes working with plays, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, ad copy, technical reports, and magazines. For Fair Trade Magazine, Erik was involved from the outset, copy-editing and proofreading the first issue. Since, he has enjoyed seeing his role expand, taking on a gamut of production tasks, from feature writing to page layout and everything in between.
Bryce Tarling – Editor